If you wish to purchase a Kindle copy of On the Pineapple Express, it's on sale for $0.99 on December 15, increasing a dollar a day up to $5.99 on December 20.
I had intended to put up a real VLOG (video blog) entry today, but the fan on my laptop is making so much noise that it's interfering with the audio. In lieu of a VLOG, I've made a video slide show that introduces me, the story behind the book, and the novel, On the Pineapple Express. It's a bit like a book trailer, but my real trailer will be a lot more professionally done.
On the Pineapple Express is book 2 in my 4-book Pure Genius Series. It reads well as a stand-alone novel, but if you want to hear about the cyber-terrorist incident that brought my hero and heroine together, you can check out book 1, Hide and Seek.
Enjoy the video and be sure to leave a comment and an e-mail address if you want to win a Kindle copy of On the Pineapple Express. Remember, the contest ends Sunday afternoon, December 15. For you print-only readers, there will be more opportunities to win a copy in early March.
Video of the story behind the book and a blurb about the story.
Merry Christmas!
H. L. Wegley